A large domestic whole-peptide industry company and US ARC company reached a strategic cooperation intention in listing in the US

A large domestic whole-peptide industry company and US ARC company reached a strategic cooperation intention in listing in the US

According to the overall plan for the listing of Yunhong Holdings Co., Ltd., on November 3, Mr. Li Yubao, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Yunhong Holdings Co., Ltd. and the company's senior management team, and the managing partner of ARC Capital (ARC), who came to Yunhong Group for a special trip. A friendly negotiation was held, introducing the five-year development history of Yunhong Holdings and the blueprint for strategic development planning and vision for the next five years. The two parties reached the strategic cooperation intention of Yunhong Holdings and ARC in the United States to promote the listing on NASDAQ, proposed by Morgan. As the total underwriter of Yunhong Holdings, Stanley strives to complete major listings before and after the National Day next year. It will land on the NASDAQ market in the United States. Through this cooperation, a giant health industry giant of several hundred billion will appear in the securities market. enterprise!

ARC is an international company based in Asia, Europe and the Americas. It operates through a global network of partner relationships covering 30 countries in all time zones around the world. It now has 33 investment experts and is located around the world. There are 4 offices and 8 representative offices. The clients cover many parts of the world. They have rich investor relations, filing documents and compliance, debt financing, restructuring and integration, market capitalization, private placement, fixed increase, and secondary issuance in the US capital market. IPO and follow-up financing services, risk management and other comprehensive and integrated financing experience and comprehensive services, and many of the world's leading financial investment banks and service organizations including Morgan Stanley, PricewaterhouseCoopers, KPMG, and Dacheng Law Firm With long-term and good strategic partnership, it can provide cross-border M&A and listing services for Chinese companies to ensure maximum customer benefits.

ARC is a boutique investment bank with a deep understanding of the capital market and a high degree of customer satisfaction, focusing on serving small and medium-sized enterprises. It has offices in Los Angeles, Shanghai, Mexico City and Shenzhen, and has many representatives in South America and Europe. It is a team of bankers, lawyers, accountants and insurance professionals and many other industry experts to ensure that clients can achieve their intended goals. It has rich practical experience in the NASDAQ and OTC markets in the United States, providing customers with a full range of one-stop financial investment services and forward-looking, innovative capital operation solutions. Its professional team is dedicated to assisting companies to list on the market, and through the acquisition of mergers and acquisitions and joint ventures to help companies expand rapidly in a short period of time, providing customized financing project design, financial consulting and mergers and acquisitions services, allowing customers to obtain high return on investment. .

Yunhong Holdings and the US ARC Company reached a strategic cooperation intention to be listed on the Nasdaq market by Morgan Stanley as the total underwriter of Yunhong Holdings, marking the entry of China Yunhong Holdings into the substantive operation in the US. At the stage, it will surely promote and promote Yunhong Group's listing financing through overseas capital markets, and enter a new development process in the development of a large health strategy leading industry, and will certainly bring satisfactory returns to investors. !