2018 International Health Industry Summit Forum ended successfully

2018 International Health Industry Summit Forum ended successfully

"The big dream is boundless, the big love is speechless. The lover is like oneself, and there is no disease in the world."

Wuhan is known as the city of Baihu. It is in June, the lotus is in full bloom, and it is swaying. Welcome leaders, guests and friends from all over the country to visit the Wuhan International Convention and Exhibition Center on June 28, 2018. "2018 International Health Industry Summit Forum".

This summit forum is to actively respond to the country's implementation of the One Belt and One Roadand Healthy China 2030strategy, and promote the vigorous development of China's big health industry and overseas market. The Institute of Enterprise Management Innovation of China Academy of Management Sciences/Optical Valley Organized by the Biopeptide Research Center, hosted by Hubei Yunhong Energy Group Co., Ltd. On September 1, 1986, the China Academy of Management Sciences was instructed by Comrade Chen Yun. On June 2, 1987, the state institution approved by the government to undertake dozens of major national research projects. Thanks to leaders and guests at all levels and friends from all walks of life for their support and care for the development of Yunhong Group, more than 2,000 people from the Ministry of Health and other ministries, health experts and well-known entrepreneurs came to the summit forum. Director of China Yunhong Holdings Co., Ltd. Li Yubao, Chairman of the Bureau, and many senior executives from the Yunhong Group and media reporters from the press also participated in the summit forum.

This summit forum is dedicated to integrating domestic and international health industry resources, creating a healthy industry platform for model innovation, technology innovation, service innovation, standard innovation, exchange innovation, and supporting innovation, and plays an active role in promoting Healthy China 2030. The success of this forum has a great significance in the development history of Yunhong Group, which has the epoch-making milestones of the past and the future, and witnessed the core competitiveness and brand influence of Yunhong Group in the field of big health. As an industry-integrated group company focusing on the development of the big health industry, Yunhong Group has four integrated layouts in the field of production, learning, research and teachingof the big health peptideindustry, covering medicines, health products, In the food and skin care products and other projects, the peptide home series products are the leading brands in China's big health industry, and promote the comprehensive upgrading of the big health industry in the countries along the Belt and Road, so that all human beings can enjoy the healthy quality life brought by life science and technology for the benefit. The people of the world have made unremitting efforts to witness the fact that the dragons from the big health industry in China are taking off, and they are flying for nine days.

Yunhong Group was established in March 2013 with a starting capital of 100 million yuan. In the past six years, Yunhong Group has continuously adjusted its industrial direction, from clean energy to ecological agriculture, always paying attention to the national economy and people's livelihood, and gradually clarifying the development direction of big health. The peptideindustry is the leading health enterprise, and it has basically formed a biotechnology recycling industry chainintegrating photovoltaic eco-agriculture planting, deep processing of agricultural products, biotechnology research and development and application, e-commerce platform and logistics. A health key enterprise is also a national peptide food unicorn enterprise. Through the capital operation and cooperation and acquisition, Yunhong Group has created a unique profit model of Peptide Homeand adhered to the development strategy of professionalism, innovation and internationalization, and strives to list on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange at the end of this year, with an estimated market value of 510 billion. yuan.

To congratulate the convening of this summit forum, the China Private Economy International Cooperation Chamber of Commerce specially sent a "He Xinxin", pointing out that the party's 19th National Congress has opened up a new era and is at the historical juncture of "promoting the health of all people and winning a comprehensive well-off society." The new generation of technology represented by great health and biotechnology is changing with each passing day, which has brought about significant and far-reaching impacts on China's economic and social development and people's lives, grasping important opportunities for great health development, promoting the healthy development of large health industries, and handling cutting-edge technologies. Challenges in technical standards and other aspects require organizations and departments to strengthen mutual exchanges and deepen communication and cooperation. As the presidium of our association, Yunhong Group, together with Hubei Yunhong Energy Group, will unswervingly promote comprehensive health management, introduce international technical resources, build an international health exchange platform, and turn the national health management into The National Health Campaign, a national health defense war, warmly congratulated the "2018 International Health Industry Summit Forum" was a complete success.

Zhang Lifeng, Director of the Member Service and Cooperation Development Center of the China Private Economy International Cooperation Chamber of Commerce, attended the meeting and issued a certificate to Chairman Li Yubao.

Li Yubao, Chairman of the Board of Directors of China Yunhong Holdings Co., Ltd., first delivered a warm speech. Welcome leaders and guests to gather for the forum of our common human goal, health, and hope that everyone can understand health more and cherish health. I wish you happiness and well-being forever. As long as our company is alive, we will do our best to bring healthy food to the table of the people, to make our world full of sunshine, and to make our efforts benefit all mankind.

Ji Xiaonan, former chairman of the board of supervisors of state-owned key large enterprises invited to the meeting, pointed out in his speech: At present, China's health care industry can not meet the needs of people's health well. Yunhong Group has long been committed to the development of peptide products, and bitter melon peptide is for the prevention and treatment of diabetes. Significantly, there are a large number of diabetics in China, which bring heavy burdens to medical resources and bring great suffering to patients. Yunhong Group firmly grasps the promising and meaningful industry of big health and continuously develops new products, which is in line with the important direction of enterprise transformation and development. In the future, we must pay attention to product innovation as well as technological innovation and marketing innovation. The Sino-US trade war and the ZTE incident are fundamental to the fact that our core technology must be mastered in our hands to be untouchable, and technological innovation is a bull's-eye. In the Internet era, innovation in marketing models is also very important. Marketing innovation and technology are needed. Innovation and organic integration. To expand brand awareness and cultivate peptide products into international brands, behind the brand is quality and integrity. Behind the quality and integrity is culture and system. It should be integrated into the blood as a social responsibility, and the appropriate promotional products. Efficacy, which is extremely important for winning the society, winning the market, and winning consumers. To combine industrial investment, capital operation and Internet technology, we must closely combine the bitter melon peptide and blockchain technology, and explore and study the blockchain. In the anti-counterfeiting of bitter gourd peptides, Zhu Yunhong Group is getting better and better, and it will be listed soon.

Yin Dakui, former deputy minister of the Ministry of Health and member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chief of health education of the Ministry of Health, pointed out in his speech: We should be soberly aware that due to changes in lifestyle and behavior, in the environment, soil, food hygiene There are certain problems in terms of water safety and drinking, and more and more cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and diabetes, as well as cancer, and there are more than 100 million people with diabetes. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Great health includes the whole cycle of life and physical and psychological health. At present, there is still a big gap in China's investment in the big health industry. In the development of the big health industry, Yunhong Group must talk about science, integrity, and brand. Healthy Chinamakes a greater contribution.

Tang Jun, Chairman of MicroPort (China) and General Counsel of China Yunhong Holdings, is the first financial investment and Internet industry expert to discover Ma Yun, the first one to find the first one to raise A$1 billion for Alibaba. (China) and Yunhong Group reached a strategic cooperation, Tang Jun stood at the strategic height of leading the global industrial development, fully affirmed and highly praised the Yunhong Group's development of a large health industry, indicating that Yunhong Group will become the next Alibaba. A large-scale health industry group with unique charm and future. Tang Jun pointed out in his speech: Through the Great Health Summit Forum, we want to explore what the future trend is, what the Internet means, from the grand, Yahoo, Sina, Microsoft, Tencent and Alibaba in the past, boosting the domestic and international capital markets. Next, China has seized the opportunity to become the world's largest mobile Internet e-commerce market, becoming the world's greatest e-commerce platform, and the future must be the world of e-commerce. What is the future trend? It must be the grafting of traditional industries and the Internet. To do something must be pre-emptive. The first is unique. Without competitors, it means that as long as you do well and work hard, this opportunity belongs to your.

Yunhong Group has built a large health (biomedicine, Kangyang Hospital), new energy (photovoltaic power generation, silicon mine development), ecological agriculture (ecological food base), logistics (Wuhan Dongfeng Logistics), e-commerce (attractive Six major industrial structures, such as life e-commerce platform) and food (peptide home series products), on June 28, 2018, the official e-commerce platform Tasteful Lifecreated by Yunhong Group was officially launched on the summit. Li Yubao, Tang Jun, and the leaders and guests of the conference jointly hosted the launching ceremony of Yunhong Group's Tasteful Life E-commerce Platform.

Li Yubao, Chairman of the Board of Directors of China Yunhong Holdings Co., Ltd. stressed at the launching ceremony: Why is it a tasteable life e-commerce platform? Through this platform, how can we bring happiness to the lives of ordinary people? Now it is a rise in housing prices and rising prices. In the high years, the most bitter thing for us in this era is the 80s. Because we need to support 4 old people, the profits that are transformed through the recycling of our Tasteful Life Platformcan become a flower that you can spend. One day, the money can return it to your pocket and double it. This is something that our private enterprises should do in the new era. We must apply the physical store grafting to the Internet today, let us The entity uses the two legs of the line to walk, move left and right, and yin and yang reconcile. The launch of this platform may not be the best, but it is absolutely unique. It solves the problem of raising an old man and creates a purchase that has never been seen before. A miracle that the commodity spends money and then earns it back, that is, through the link between consumption and options, realizing the shareholding of the whole people, consumption conversion, and benefiting the people. Starting from me, starting from Yunhong, starting from our entire team, we are not seeking to be the first, but we must be the only one, to make an interest that can not be recovered and let him produce value. Peptide Home The platform is the online and offline linkage, the first e-commerce platform in the country that can be converted into options, and the first e-commerce platform that allows you to buy products that can be traced back to the source. What we do is to let others have The matter of dignity is to let others live happily. Let us jointly bring great health to the world and give big health food to all human beings.It can be said that the only unique life in the world created by Yunhong Group is great health. The e-commerce platform is a comprehensive idea that combines the implementation of the scientific development concept and the new era of the new economy. In order to create a nation-wide shareholding, everyone has shares, cultivate the people's consumption and financial management, and consume the concept of old-age care. Health, benevolence, Huide, Puzhong people's new era new concept health food e-commerce platform. As consumers age, consumption power gradually weakens, and even loses their ability to consume. However, as they become shareholders and enjoy profit sharing, new consumers have become the source of the old-age consumers' old-age economy, so the new and old alternate Constantly, it will form a benign closed-loop operation mode and build a hundred-year enterprise of the people themselves. Its unique operating mode can cultivate the golden-marriage consumer groups, and it can also improve the economic pressure of raising the four elderly people after the 80s, and solve the economic pension problem of the elderly in the 1960s, while at the same time improving the national financial burden. The official launch of the Tasteful Life E-commerce Platformis a concrete action launched by Yunhong Group to implement only the health of the whole people can achieve the well-off of the whole people. It is also a tailor-made for the Chinese people. A happy health e-commerce platform that enjoys a happy life.


Chen Gui, deputy secretary-general of the China Management Academy and director of the Institute of Enterprise Management Innovation, pointed out in his speech: The big health industry is an emerging strategic pillar industry, entering a new era, people's expectations for a healthy and healthy life. More attention. It is vital to develop leaders in the big health industry. At present, China's scarce entrepreneurial class, especially the chairman with innovative ability and talent, is as scarce as a giant panda and deserves respect. Respecting entrepreneurs, respecting shareholders and respecting investors is the only rule of business investment. I and Li Yubao, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Yunhong Group, came together through a long-term "love" and established the Optics Valley Biopeptide Research Center. My mission is to remind him to slow down and slow down. This is what Mr. Tang Jun makes him faster and faster. One point, this slow and fast is dialectical and unified. I wish the Yunhong Group to forge ahead in the development of the big health industry and create great achievements.

Yunhong Group has become a pioneer in the health of the peptide industryand a pioneer and founder of the global peptiderevolution. It has cultivated various brands of Peptide Hometo make peptide drugs, food, Health products and skin care products have entered the family life of the people, opening a new era of "full peptide era". In particular, "Bitter Melon Peptide", as the leading product of Yunhong Group, has an excellent reputation and good image in the field of diabetes prevention and treatment. It is praised as a major discovery in the 21st century diabetes research, from chemical hypoglycemic to biological hypoglycemic. The revolution won the patents of seven countries and the European Union, including the United States, Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Japan, and enjoyed the reputation of "national specialties, Chinese national gifts". The China Academy of Management Sciences approved the establishment of the Guanggu Biopeptide Research Centerin Wuhan, Hubei Province. Li Yubao, Chairman of the Board of China Yunhong Holdings Co., Ltd., was appointed as the director of Guanggu Biopeptide Research Centerand held at the summit forum. Awarding ceremony, Chen Gui, deputy secretary-general of the Chinese Academy of Management Sciences, director of the Institute of Enterprise Management Innovation, and deputy director of the Institute of Enterprise Management Innovation of the Chinese Academy of Management Sciences, and deputy director of Discovery Magazine, Yan Hongyan, Xiang Yunhong The Group and the Academic Committee Member of the Institute of Enterprise Management Innovation of the China Academy of Management Science and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of China Yunhong Holdings Co., Ltd. Li Yubao awarded the license. The establishment of Guanggu Biopeptide Research Centernot only embodies the latest achievements of Yunhong Group in the research and development of peptide industry, but also marks that Yunhong Group will lead the development of national peptide industry industry standards, with great responsibility and glorious mission.

Dr. Zhao Gang, a researcher at the China Academy of Science and Technology Development Strategy, invited by the National Science and Technology Department, pointed out in his speech: Great health is closely related to the lives of each of us. Without the health of the whole people, there is no national well-being.Recently, the ZTE incident has caused great repercussions at home and abroad, and it is worthy of vigilance and reflection. At present, China's high-tech industry is at the stage of leading, running, and running "three runs coexisting" compared with the advanced level of foreign countries. In 2020, China will enter the ranks of innovative countries, with a long way to go, a new round of industrial revolution and reform. As we are approaching, the Sino-US trade war has forced us to pay more attention to independent innovation and technological innovation. The Yunhong Group has established a Guanggu Biopeptide Research Center, which is a strategic vision. In the peptide industry, from basic research to product development. In the industrialization, this series must increase efforts, integrate multiple resources, and achieve new breakthroughs in the development of the peptide industry, making greater contributions to human health.

Prof. Qiu Qiuping, a famous medical expert, gave a lecture on big health. Professor Yan has more than 20 years of experience in clinical work in military hospitals. She has made profound insights into the secrets and mechanisms of human health and longevity, the generation and harm of sub-health, the functional properties of active peptides and the special effects of bitter melon peptides. Explain, easy to understand, deeply shocked.

Huang Jianbing, the president of the Business School of Shenzhen and the chairman of Shenzhen Dewin Culture Communication Co., Ltd., gave a warm and eloquent lecture at the summit forum. He should focus on grasping the consumers from the Yunhong Group in the development of the big health market.