Share the taste of life App

Share the taste of life app

Enjoy the app, invite friends to register the process

1. Log in to the App. On the "My" page, click on "Share App"

Will pop up "Share Home, Leaderboard, My Invitation"

Click "Share Home". "Leaderboard" and "My Invitation" are viewed separately at 7, 8.

2. Click Click to sharedirectly, and the page in 3 will appear. Or click on the [...] in the upper right corner and the page in 4 will appear.

3, select the platform to share, below to share to WeChat as an example

4, click on the sharing will appear 3 pictures, "Save Picture" will save the shared picture in the mobile phone album, you can share it to your friends in any way, "Copy Link" will copy the link to invite friends to share the app, Just go to WeChat or qq and other dating software and send it to your friends.

5, share the page after WeChat

6. Click on the link in WeChat and the following page will appear. Then the invited person can register, and the registration is completed, that is, the invitation is completed.

7, display weekly and monthly leaderboards, only show the top ten and their own rankings

8. "My Invitation" shows the people I invited and the rewards I received.